Jump Feet First


I didn’t want to be a bride. The questionable paraphernalia stashed in my dresser drawer were far from the organized clippings of varying color palettes and wedding dresses of the year. I was 22 and the last time I had heard the word relationship I was wrapped around my Latino Papi back when 5th period was our designated stairway time.

Last night I found myself taking some time to step back and remember who I was; who I used to be. And it was in that moment, while praying to the gods that my 2 year old would fall asleep peacefully, that I made the decision to become who I wanted to be. Forget the girl with the awkward handshake and the weak ankles who’s scared shit less of the real world outside. I’m going to be that woman with the smile of confidence and the walk of someone on a mission.

Recently blogger Everythingenj reminded her readers what it was to take risks. It’s not about worrying whether failure is inevitable or not, it’s about taking a chance, jumping feet first and owning what ever it is you’re so ready to show to the world.

What’s the point of living a life full of what if’s and maybes. In our everyday lives we take risks, from buying a different pack of rice at the grocery store to getting married at 23, I’m owning my risks. I live for them. I do it for that adrenaline pump sometimes that bursts out into giggles every time a mirror is near. I do it so I could fall flat on my face only to figure a way back up.
My marriage has yet to become something I regret and it’s not perfect but it’s flaws has molded into something I’ve grown fond of. I get asked why so young almost every time I decide to slip my ring on my finger and I did it because in that moment when he asked me to be his bride, I was ready to take that leap.
I wouldn’t be here if I had made all the right decisions. I wouldn’t be writing if I hadn’t taken the risk. I wouldn’t be me.

What risks have you taken lately?

“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all…” -Helen Keller
